
First baby moult

BABY MOULT is the change of baby fur to adult fur. Maine Coons mature slowly - up to three years, while remaining kittens. Maine Coon kittens usually have a very thick undercoat. At the age of about 12 months, Maine Coon kittens begin to change their soft fluff to an adult thick fur coat.

Under the influence of hormones, baby hairs (brown shade) begin to fall out, and baby moult begins. The outer layer of fur changes its structure, becomes longer, the color acquires a brighter color, in general, the animal begins to blossom (up to 3 years). Here, much depends on the capabilities of the body, genetic predisposition and living conditions.

The black smoky color of Maine Coons develops under the influence of a gene that suppresses the formation of color in the fur. When a kitten is formed, the pigment gets into the fur, but then it seems to turn off, and part of the fur in the root zone remains uncolored.

The letter s is added to the color coding. If such a gene is applied to a solid, single-color color, the result will be a smoky cat, including black smoke (ns). If such a gene appears in colored cats, the color is called silver.

Smoky is one of the single-color variants of silver tabby. This is a very impressive and mysterious color. It is especially pleasant to watch such an animal in motion, when the fur is amazingly iridescent.

You should buy an animal not by color, but by type...

Surely you have seen cats that seem black, but their fur is "dry". A brown tint in a black cat can be the result of improperly selected food and direct sunlight, as well as due to heredity.

If the kitten's parents/ancestors have a high-quality color, and your black cat is not black at all, then most likely the food is to blame. There is no single recipe for everyone, everything is individual.

There can be many reasons:

The color of one of the parents (warm brown, tortoiseshell, red), the temperature at home, hormonal surges, nutrition (brown algae, iodine, carrots, beets and liver make the fur brown, the copper content in the food should be no more than 10-15 mg / kg).

The hormonal background and climate affect, black colors in the sun in the heat, for example, begin to turn brown.

Rufism is a common thing. Of course, it does not depend on the food, with the help of food you can achieve a slight lightening, but it will not go away completely.

The color of the Maine Coon is estimated at 5 points out of 100.

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